Monday, September 26, 2011

Resumé 2.0: The Social Media Version

Generation Y has grown up in a time of great changes in the industry of technology. Most people are connected 24/7 these days. Their cellphone in their pocket while walking around the house, by their bed while they sleep and even with you when you are in the privacy of your own bathroom. This shows how society is constantly changing which means the job application process is different now as well. Online tools are becoming more and more relevant in this day and age. There are websites such as LinkedIn, Empire Avenue and even Twitter that can be used as a means to promote yourself as a business professional. This is why I was very pleased when our ALES 204 assignment was to make a Facebook Page as business professionals.

There is great potential in having a Facebook Page for your professional self. This is a great spot for possible future bosses to learn about your skills, work experience and interests without them having to see all of your personal information. I had a great time putting together some information about myself that I thought would be important for employers to know about myself.

Below are photos from my Facebook Page. You can click the first picture to go visit the page if you would like! 

The other pages that I chose to include as my interest on my page were Young & Free Alberta and 104.9 Virgin Radio because those are both institutions I used to work at. I also included The University of Alberta and the Human Ecology Program as they are where I am receiving my education. I also added my favorite Public Relations group because this is the field in which I wish to pursue a career. And for fun I included the page of a musician friend of mine, Justin Blais.  

I also found it interesting reading the other blogs from students in the class about their experience creating their page. I especially enjoyed Jasmeena Gill's blog because she posted a link to an article that discusses how to use Facebook professionally. 

I hope you enjoy my page!

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