Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Avoid that 'Death by Powerpoint' Feeling

Powerpoint is a widely used tool for creating successful presentations. According to Alexei Kapterev, there are an estimated 300 million powerpoint users across the world. Kapterev discusses how bad presentations lead to a vicious cycle. A bad presentation leads to bad communication, which leads to bad relations, which leads to less sales, which leads to less money, which leads to less training, which in turn leads to the return of bad presentations. This week has been very helpful when looking at creating presentations. In University, we need to do many presentations that are graded so therefore it is very important to communicate our ideas effectively.

The following link is an article by Dr. Joseph Sommerville about The Seven Deadly Sins of Powerpoint Presentations. 

Another method that I have found effective for presentations is using other presentation platforms (rather than powerpoint). Prezi is one that I have used often. Of course, it is important to double check that a powerpoint is not a necessary tool to be used. If one is allowed to use other forms of presentations then Prezi is a good platform to use.

Julie also had some good points on Pecha Kucha presentations as well! Very neat! Check it out!

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