Sunday, October 23, 2011

Scientific Articles

Being a Human Ecology student, I haven't had to write many scientific articles. Actually, I have only had to write one once in my textile science class. I understand how other agriculture student would have the need to write more scientific articles/papers but thus far it has not been a necessity in my classes. That is why I am pleased that we had a week to learn about this in class. Especially since we have to write one for this class! Kaustav's lecture was really helpful and I know that it will come in handy when I am putting together my scientific paper!

The papers that I usually write are typically laid out like the following:

1 paragraph - Introduction
3 paragraph - Body
1 paragraph - Conclusion

But according to Kaustav's lecture, scientific are laid out like this:

Materials and Methods
Tables and Figures

...much different that an english paper. Wish me luck while putting mine together for the assignment!

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